You are not “showing” yet as your uterus is only the size of a small orange.
Emotional outbursts and becoming tearful with little cause can be unsettling and confusing for both parents. This may become a source of stress during the pregnancy and understanding this is normal behaviour may help.
Routine blood tests may be taken at your first visit with your health care professional. These blood tests will determine your blood group, Rhesus (Rh) factor and Iron levels and check for German Measles (Rubella), Hepatitis B, Syphilis and Toxoplasmosis/Cytomegalovirus.
This week, baby is about the size of a small raspberry, being around 13mm (1/2 an inch) in length while the digestive system becomes more refined with the development of the stomach and intestines.
There are two folds of tissue that will develop into ears. Baby’s heart begins to beat at 150 beats per minute (twice the adult rate), 25 days after conception providing circulation for his tiny body and can already be detected.
Lungs, liver, pancreas and thyroid gland are now being formed. The mouth opening is formed with the lower jaw and vocal cords beginning along with the inner ear being created.
Until the bone marrow forms, large amounts of red blood cells are being churned out by the liver. The teeth and palate are forming and the skin of the fetus is paper thin with veins clearly visible.
- Don’t let your stomach get empty, taking small regular meals rather than three large ones to ease queasiness.
- Include protein like adding cheese to crackers to prevent a drop in blood sugar.
- Increase intake of fluids, iron and protein.
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