If your period doesn’t occur it might be one of the first signs that you’re pregnant. Any slight body changes noticed may be mistaken for normal pre-menstrual symptoms. You might develop a strange taste in your mouth and your breasts may feel odd. You could also notice some light spotting.
Home pregnancy tests work by detecting Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG), the hormone found in your urine, as this hormone is released into your blood stream after the blastocyst has implanted.
The amniotic cavity, which will be filled with fluid, and the placenta, which will bring oxygen and nutrients to nourish your baby, are forming in your uterus already.
The ball of cells is now called an embryo and has divided into three layers that will later form organs and tissues. The nervous system, skin and hair will form from the outer layer, the breathing and digestive organs from the inner layer and the skeleton, bones, cartilage, muscles, circulatory system, kidneys and sex organs will develop from the middle layer. The embryo is only about the size of an apple seed and is being nourished by secretions from the lining of the uterus.
- Try to eat healthy and drink 6-8 glasses of water daily.
- You only need an extra 300 calories a during during pregnancy and your intake of food may drop in the beginning because of morning sickness.
- Check with your medical professional about any medications you are taking.