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39 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy – Week 39



You will probably be feeling both excited and apprehensive now the waiting is nearly over.  As the cervix softens in readiness for the birth, you might be having quite strong Braxton Hicks contractions.  You might be feeling heavy and weary but don’t just sit around waiting for something to happen.  Keep up your social life and talk to others at the same stage as you.

Although he is still getting nourishment from the placenta, bub is now able to function on his own and is in position for birth.


You are now very close to the end of your pregnancy.

Your cervix is softening and may already be dilating as your body prepares itself for labour. Don’t be alarmed if you notice a wet discharge that may be streaked with blood.  This is the mucus plug or “show” that comes away naturally and is a sign that your body is getting ready for the birth of your baby.

It could be days before you actually go into labour or it could only be a few minutes after you have a “show”.

This week you may also have a final burst of energy making lots of final preparations cleaning, cooking and shopping.  This is referred to as the “nesting instinct” but don’t overdo it.

Your amniotic fluid, which was previously clear, is now pale and milky from your baby’s shedding vernix caseosa. The outer layers of skin are also sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

You should be finding it easier to breathe now that the uterus is dropping away from the diaphragm.


The average baby is about 51cm (20 inches) and weighs about 3.5kg (7.5 pounds) with his head being about 10cm (4 inches) in diameter.

Bub is now restricted in movement as there is no space left in the womb.

You will probably find a bit of lanugo still on baby’s shoulders, arms and legs and in those little bodily creases.  In time, it will vanish on its own.

At birth the umbilical cord will stop working when your bub takes his first breaths of air outside of your uterus and his breathing will trigger changes in the heart that will force all blood to go through the lungs.


  • Some differences between false labor and contractions:
  • False labour pains usually concentrate in the lower abdomen and groin, while true labor pains may start in the lower back and spread through the entire abdomen.
  • Real labour also becomes stronger and more powerful as time passes.

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