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Pregnancy and varicose veins
Woman touching painful varicose veins on a leg

Pregnancy and Varicose Veins


One of the worries of pregnant women is the occurrence of varicose veins. These are large and usually swollen blood vessels that appear mostly likely on the legs but there are times when it may be seen on other parts of the lower body as well. What affects women most is that varicose veins are unsightly and at times they do not feel good about themselves because of it. They may not take hemorrhoids very seriously because they cannot see it but it also considered as similar to the varicose veins though it is found within the area around the rectum.

Women have to understand that during pregnancy, their bodies have to compensate not only for themselves but for the growing fetus as well. Their bodies produce more blood and the veins especially on their legs have to work double time in order to push the blood back to be processed by the heart. However, the pressure of the weight that they are carrying as well as the extra progesterone level contributes to the development of varicose veins. Aside from being unsightly, women may feel some pains and itchiness caused by their bulging veins. It may relieve them to know that if they did not have it before pregnancy they are more likely to lose it after they have given birth.

Pregnant women may expect to have varicose veins just like other symptoms like stretch marks if their mothers had them before. Heredity can cause the occurrence of these problems during pregnancy. There is also a small risk that varicose veins can get inflamed which can be caused by a blood clot. It is then necessary for pregnant women to inform their doctors about it. Varicose veins may not be prevented by women especially during pregnancy but they can do something to lessen its occurrence.

 They can for instance help their blood to circulate properly by putting their legs a little elevated when they are sitting. They can also use a low foot stool to support their legs alternately while they are standing. Pregnant women may do simple exercises such as walking several times a day and they have to make sure that their clothes are comfortable including their underwear. They may also try to sleep on their left side as much as possible as this will prevent putting too much pressure on their main blood vessels at night. Their diet should also be rich in vitamin C in order to make their veins strong. Those who will still have varicose veins after pregnancy can have their varicose veins be surgically removed. They may also undergo medical treatment after they have given birth.

Image courtesy of zlikovec at dollarclub.com