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Caring for premature babies

Caring for Premature Babies


Premature babies are born at about week 37 and there are about 10% of them born under this condition. Caring for premature babies is a little more difficult than full term babies. They may have some health problems due to organs that have not yet developed fully thus they require to be taken care of under the intensive care unit. They will have to be closely monitored until their internal organs start working on their own.

There are no definite known causes of premature babies. However, some factors have been identified to contribute to this condition such as the health status as well as the lifestyle of mothers when they are pregnant. Other contributory factors include illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, heart problems and other medical conditions. Pregnant women who have poor nutrition and who are suffering from some infections may also deliver babies earlier than expected.

Caring for premature babiesCaring for premature babies continues when they are brought home from the hospital especially for those who were born very small or who are below three pounds. Parents need to monitor their babies’ growth through the guidance of their pediatricians. They will recommend the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that premature babies need. Premature babies also need to take iron drops for another year as recommended.

Even as parents start caring for premature babies with diligence, they may observe that they do not grow as fast as full term babies do especially during the first two years of life. However, parents do not have to worry as their premature babies will catch up with the others in due time. All activities and developmental tasks that premature babies are able to do should be recorded in order to determine how they are growing and developing.

Doctors may also recommend to parents that caring for premature babies include feeding them with solid foods at about 4 to 6 months from the original date when they were supposed to be due and not from the day when they were born. Premature babies may have some difficulty with swallowing because this reflex has not yet been fully developed as they are born earlier than expected.

It is also important that parents know about the sleeping time as part of caring for premature babies. They do not usually sleep just like full term babies do. Premature babies sleep but in a shorter time than the regular sleeping time. However, parents are advised just the same not to put their babies to sleep on their stomach for safety purposes.

Vaccinations or immunizations are also given to premature babies about the same age as their full term counterparts. However, premature babies may have weaker immune system and may be affected by diseases such as flu very easily. Special care should be included as part of the parents’ regimen in caring for premature babies.

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