This week you may suspect you’re pregnant as the embryo produces hormones which halt your menstrual cycle. Its about 3 weeks from conception making you five weeks pregnant.
Some early symptoms may include nausea, which can happen at any time of the day or night but is usually referred to as “morning sickness”, darkening of the areola, tender or tingling breasts, feeling more tired than usual and possibly more frequent urination.
A mucus plug has formed to cover your cervix which completely seals off and protects your uterus and remains in place until near the end of your pregnancy.
By the end of this week the embryo will more than double in size to around 4-5mm (1/8 of an inch) and is starting to look like a tadpole. The amniotic fluid that cushions the embryo starts to form at this time with the placenta developing and the embryo beginning to receive oxygen and nutrition through it.
At the end of this week, nerve growth begins with a sheet of cells on the back of the embryo folding in the middle to form a tube which will become the future spinal cord.
Kidneys, heart, brain, muscle and bones are also beginning to develop and the neural tube connecting the brain and spinal cord closes. Facial features are already forming now as well as limb buds which will develop into your baby’s arms and legs.
- Eat well with small regular meals and drinks to help prevent indigestion, nausea and fatigue.
- Prepare for good prenatal care to assure a health pregnancy and baby.